Price: Nu. 0/Unit
General Name: Orchids
Scientific Name: Cymbidium graminea
Kingdom: Plantae
Family: Orchidaceae
Genus: Eluphia
Brief Description:
Eulophia, commonly known as corduroy orchids. They are terrestrial and some are deciduous. Some can be reared as indoor plants as they are evergreen in nature. This plant has an underground rhizome or pseudobulbs on the surface. The flowers are usually arranged on a thin flowering spike. It is being originated in Africa and widely found in Asia in shady places with bushy grass or shrubs in the forest.
Propagation: through rhizomes or pseudobulbs
Time of Transplantation: it depends upon growers’ management, care, and experience.
Recommended Altitude: 700 to 2500 Meters Above Sea level
Conducive Environment for this species: Cold, cool, and shady areas
Growing Media: Leaf mold, decomposed wood, and partly dead trunk of broad-leafed trees.